Simple Style 28/32 Heads Square Pipe Polishing Machine

Square Pipe Water Polishing Machine

This machine is used for polishing square pipe with water,its polishing speed is 0-35 meters /min and its grinder shaft length is 120mm OD36mm.Its material is 40Cr blackening treatment.
Square Pipe Water Polishing Machine
Square Pipe Water Polishing Machine-Simple Style 28/32 Heads Square Pipe Polishing Machine
FOSHAN MAXDO MACHINERY CO.,LTD Huang Dong Industrial park, west tao yuan road, shi shan ,Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong PR,OF China

+86 13690650797

Stainless steel pipe polishing machine is mainly used for square,rectangular,slot pipe,ect and can achieve their surface to hairline finish effect.

Working Range

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