Stainless steel pipe polishing is a veryimportant link after the stainless steel pipe making machine. How is thestainless steel pipe polished? How can the stainless steel tube polishingmachine make the stainless steel tube brighter after polishing? The stainlesssteel polishing machine is equipped with many people who have not done itbefore or have not started, and there will be such a question. In fact, thepolishing of stainless steel pipes is relatively simple. Let's introduce indetail the principle of the polishing machine and the materials of thepolishing machine.
During polishing, the polishing wheelmounted on the polishing machine rubs against the stainless steel surface andthe high temperature reduces the surface roughness of the stainless steelsection. The chemical components of the polishing wax, alumina and stearicacid, chemically react with the polished stainless steel tube to increase thebrightness of the polishing.
Thecombination of materials on the polishing machine:
The first group: Thousand-page wheel, thesecond group-the sixth group: Yau hemp wheel, the seventh to the tenth group ofcloth hemp wheel.
The waxing part starts from the second setof hemp wheels to the sixth set of cloth hemp wheels, depending on the size andthickness of the pipe and the polishing speed. The direction of waxing followsthe direction of pipe feeding. Waxing cannot be reversed.